i wrote a letter to my client base this week, inviting them in on a spiritual + self development program i decided to commit to for the first quarter of 2022. while i’m very open to most things personal growth work, spirituality, and body/mind/soul wellness — and there is a long list of teachers that i want to study with — i still staggered on whether or not i had the headspace, energy or desire to try something new right now. the past two years have drained me. but, all the more reason to do things that fill me back up. i do believe that ‘when the student is ready, the teacher will appear’, so i have signed up. and i am inviting you in. and i wanted to share this note i sent out a few days ago…

subject: my wellness forecast for 2022

2022 is going to be a year of more of personal growth + continuing to strengthen our spiritual toolboxes

Hi friend,

How's your January going so far? (If your answer is rocky, you're not alone. It’ll be ok.) I wanted to share something I committed to for the first quarter of the year – you might also be interested in joining me, so here's the story…

A few months ago, I asked a mentor/friend, shamanic practitioner and seer to lead one of the meditation classes in my “6-Weeks of Modern Meditation” course. Truthfully, I was nervous to include such a woo offering, even though I know she has a unique gift. But I was wrong to be nervous – those who chose to join her live class loved her offering and her warmth. (Her name is Sand Symes, by the way, and she's a big bundle of love and light.)

Part of Sand's work is to have more women supporting each other, and in that spirit, I wanted to share with you one of her programs that starts this Saturday, January 29th. I've decided to join, some friends who participated in “6-Weeks of Modern Meditation” are joining, and if you, too feel called to join us, here's what I know so far…

This upcoming program is called Sovereignty Blueprint and it's an 8-week journey (online) to alchemize, heal and transcend ancestral wounds, energetic blocks, and underlying programming. If that's too out there for you, permission to close this email now, it won't be your jam! If that sounds interesting, read on…

We'll be learning exercises and healing modalities for physical, emotional and mental transformation and embodying these shifts. Sand says this work is the kind of deep change and cellular level metamorphosis that books, seminars, apps, and “quick fixes” barely scrape the surface of.

My interpretation is that we'll walk away with some clarity, healing old patterns (we all have them from this lifetime and beyond), and greater alignment with our purpose (here for that). But these things are often more than what we expect at the start. On a practical level, I see this as an opportunity to learn and grow.

I believe this is best suited for someone who is comfortable with or curious about the spiritual world, shamanic practices and intuition.

Ironically - or not, I'm in the process of creating a new virtual program (v. different than Sand's work), and I'm on a mission to bring you my favorite wellness experiences in accessible, modern ways. If you want to join us, this will also be a front-row seat into my process of vetting the best of the best in wellness, with all the added benefits of the program itself.

Here is a link to the details. You'll want to use this link to sign up, so that you can apply the promo code: LAURIE15 and receive the $600 off she's gifting my friends. (Sign-up closes this Friday, January 28th.)

If you'd rather I try it first and report back, there's that. If you're looking to dig into some inner work and re-program old beliefs and patterns, perhaps this email found you at the right time. And as always, if you have any questions, simply click “reply” – I'm more than happy to chat with you about what I know. Let me know what you think!

with love, laurie


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Sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit duis tristique sollicitudin nibh. Nec feugiat nisl pretium fusce id velit ut tortor. Tellus in hac habitasse platea dictumst vestibulum rhoncus. Scelerisque felis imperdiet proin fermentum leo vel orci. Consectetur a erat nam at. Diam quam nulla porttitor massa id.
