Fitness + Meditation.
Wellness + Lifestyle.



Going Beyond Traditional Spring Cleanses & Detoxes

SPRING IS ALMOST HERE! // This time of year in wellness brings up a lot of discussion around detoxes & cleanses, and while I am all for helping our bodies get clean and clear through healthy eating (yes!), here are some other ways to consider supporting your systems. Detoxing can also look like:

* Taking note of how you feel after your with certain ppl. Do they fill your cup or leave you drained? Spend time with those that nourish you. Be clear about who and what you’re giving your time to.

* Turn off the news. Unplug the whole TV for that matter. Call a friend, talk to your family, spend time making dinner. Pray. Rest.

* Practice the art of doing nothing. Stop ingesting information and allow your digestive system space to do its job.

* Try unsubscribing to sales emails and/or cleaning up the list of who you’re following on social media. Get honest about who’s energy you want in your inbox/feed every day.

* Detox your mental clutter through practices like meditation and journaling. Consistent meditation detoxes our body of accumulated stress. Journaling used to sound ‘eh’ to me until I understood that it’s an incredibly useful tool to get feelings and thoughts out of your body and onto paper. Trapped feelings and looping thoughts impact your physiology. Get it out and let it go.

* Want to improve your gut health? Go out in nature and huff some fresh air. Breathing in the natural world has a positive impact on our microbiome. Plus, when we’re in nature, we’re aligning our physical body with the frequencies of Mother Nature, which has a calming effect on our nervous system. (Hint: It’s the parasympathetic nervous system - when we are in states of rest and relaxation - that is responsible for our body’s digestive response.)

* Do breathwork. This modality (specific to what I teach) is all about lightness, space, cleansing and clarity. Plus, it just feels so so good.

Oh, I have *lots* more thoughts on this! But I’d love to hear yours. In what ways do you think about detoxing and spring clean(s)ing?

And don’t forget to drink 💦 , xx